How do I Play Blackjack – The Basics Explained 

Are you ready to take a seat at the table? Learn how do I play blackjack with this step-by-step guide. Get started today and increase your chances of winning big!

How do I Play Blackjack?

Are you looking for a thrilling game to play that’s easy to learn and provides endless entertainment opportunities? Have you heard of the classic casino staple, blackjack? 

If not, then now is your chance! Blackjack is one of the most popular card games around and has been played in casinos all over the world for centuries. 

Although it can be intimidating at first, with a few simple tips anyone can pick up how to play this exciting game. 

Whether you’re an experienced gambler or just starting, read on to find out why blackjack is such an enjoyable experience and find out your question “How do I Play Blackjack?”

What Is Blackjack? – Things You Should Know

Blackjack, also known as 21, is a card game where players compete against the dealer to get a hand with a total value of 21 or close to it, without going over. 

The player is dealt two cards face up while the dealer receives one card face up and one face down. 

Based on their hand and the visible dealer’s card, players can make decisions on whether to “hit” (take another card), “stand” (keep their current hand), or take other actions like doubling down or splitting. 

The goal is to get a higher hand value than the dealer without going over 21 or have the dealer bust by going over 21 while the player’s hand is still below.

The Objective of Blackjack: Beat the Dealer and Win Money

The Objective of Blackjack: Beat the Dealer and Win Money

In Blackjack, your main goal is to outsmart the dealer and come out on top. Unlike other card games, you’re not competing against other players – it’s just you against the dealer. But here’s the catch: you need to do it without going over 21.

To win, you simply need to have a hand that’s higher in value than the dealer’s hand. But remember, if your hand goes over 21, you automatically lose. So, it’s all about finding that sweet spot and getting as close to 21 as possible without going over.

Here’s how the point system works: cards 2 through 10 are worth their face value, while face cards like Jack, Queen, and King are worth 10 points each. The Ace is the wildcard – it can be worth either 1 or 11 points, depending on what works best for your hand.

If you’re lucky enough to get an Ace and a 10, Jack, Queen, or King, you’ve hit the jackpot! This combination is known as a Blackjack and automatically gives you 21 points.

So, how do you beat the dealer? It’s simple: either you get a higher hand value than the dealer, or the dealer ends up going over 21. And if you manage to get 21 with your first two cards while the dealer doesn’t, consider yourself a winner!

But be cautious – there are ways to lose, too. If your hand value exceeds 21, you automatically lose. Similarly, if the dealer has a higher hand value than you at the end of the round, you will also lose.

In summary, Blackjack is a thrilling game where you get to take on the dealer one-on-one. Focus on getting a higher hand value and avoid going over 21. Remember, it’s not about the other players at the table – it’s all about you and the dealer. So, get your game face on and start beating that dealer!

Blackjack Table Layout

Experience the thrill of Blackjack on a spacious semicircular table designed to accommodate varying numbers of players. Whether you prefer a table for 7 players or one that allows for up to 12 spots, we have the perfect layout for you. With the dealer stationed behind the table and chip rack, players can comfortably take their seats and enjoy the game. Join us for an immersive Blackjack experience like no other.

How do I Play Blackjack?

1: Place your bets with chips or any other wagering materials you have

Before the game begins, each player must bet a certain amount of currency. Make sure all bets are placed before the round officially starts.

If you have poker chips, distribute them among players for easy betting. If not, use anything readily available at home, like matches.

2: The dealer gives each player a card, including themselves

The dealer deals one face-up card to each player and then places one face-down card in front of them. Players can see each other’s hands, but not the dealer’s first card.

A standard 52-card deck is used for Blackjack. The dealer must remove Jokers and shuffle the cards before distributing them.

3: The dealer hands out a second card to each player

Just like before, the dealer will pass out another card face-up to each player. However, this time the dealer will keep their second card face-up in their hand, while their first card remains face-down.

4: Gameplay Begins

The player to the left of the dealer starts the game.

Gameplay proceeds clockwise after the first player’s turn.

5: Choose How to Play Your Hand at the Blackjack Table

When playing Blackjack, you have the power to decide how to play your hand. The dealer will start by looking to the player on their left, also known as “first base”, and patiently wait for them to make their move.

To play your hand, you need to add up the values of your two cards. The sum can range from 4 to 21. If you’re lucky enough to be dealt a ten-value card and an Ace as your first two cards, you’ve hit the jackpot with a Blackjack! This pays out at a rate of 3 to 2 (1.5 times your wager) right away, without needing to continue playing the round. The only condition is that the dealer doesn’t also have a Blackjack. If they do, it’s a “push” and you neither win nor lose your original bet.

If neither you nor the dealer have a Blackjack, the dealer will turn to each player in turn and allow you to decide how to play your hand. It’s important to use the appropriate hand signal to communicate your decision, as the cameras need to capture this as well. Here are the five options you have:

Stand: If you’re satisfied with your first two cards, simply wave your hand or place an open palm over the felt to signal to the dealer to move on to the next player.

Hit: If you’d like to improve your hand total, the dealer will deal you additional cards, one at a time, until you either go over 21 (bust) or choose to stand. There’s no limit to the number of cards you can take, as long as you don’t exceed a total of 21. Indicate your decision to hit by tapping the felt with your finger.

Double Down: Take the risk and double your initial bet to potentially earn big winnings in one move. By choosing to “double down,” you have the opportunity to increase your chances of a successful round.

This strategy is most effective when you have a lower hand, such as an Ace/11, as it could lead to a Blackjack if you draw a 10-value card. To signal your decision to the dealer, simply touch the game table with an extended pointer finger.

If you aren’t comfortable doubling your bet, feel free to wager a smaller amount instead. Remember, you can double down on any hand below 21, including split hands, but keep in mind that you won’t be able to hit after doubling down.

Split: If you receive a pair of cards with the same value, you have the option to put out a second wager and the dealer will split the pair into two separate hands. This also applies to face cards, such as a King and a Jack. Show your desire to split by placing a second wager equal to your first and giving a “peace sign” gesture. The dealer will then split your first hand into two and deal you a second card for each.

Surrender: If you’re unsatisfied with your initial hand, you have the choice to surrender it in exchange for half of your original bet. Signal your decision to surrender by drawing a line across the felt behind your bet. Although it may resemble the “hit” signal, it’s best to verbally communicate the word “surrender” to the dealer to avoid any confusion. This gesture is also important for the cameras to capture.

By understanding and utilizing these five options, you can effectively play your hand and increase your chances of winning at the Blackjack table.

6: Rotate through each player until they have completed their turn

 Allow each player adequate time to examine their cards and inform the dealer of their decision to either receive another card (hit) or keep their current total (stay). Beware, players who frequently request additional cards may exceed a total of 21, resulting in a loss for the round and the forfeiture of their initial wager.

7: Dealer plays hands

Confused about which option to choose? Don’t worry, it all depends on the dealer’s “up-card”, the card that is face up and visible to the players.

Optimal Gameplay

To make the best decision, follow the basic strategy. This strategy is mathematically proven to be the most advantageous for every combination of player hand and dealer up-card. Developed by a computer that simulated millions of blackjack rounds, it ensures your best chances of winning. No more guesswork involved!

Outcomes for Your Hand

When you follow the basic strategy and choose one of the 5 options mentioned above, one of three things will happen:

You stood immediately – You received a hand that, according to basic strategy, doesn’t require any additional cards.

You made a hand – By taking more cards (hit, double, or split), you achieved a hand total of 21 or less without going bust.

Your hand is out of play – If you busted by going over 21 or chose to surrender your hand, your wager is lost. The casino maintains an edge in the game by having players act first.

Dealer’s Hand

If your hand hasn’t gone bust and you didn’t surrender, it’s the dealer’s turn to play. The dealer will reveal their “hole card” (the face-down card) and calculate their 2-card hand total.

If the dealer has a hand total of 17 or higher, they automatically stand.

If the dealer has a hand total of 16 or lower, they will take additional hit cards. The dealer doesn’t have the option to double, split, or surrender, unlike the player. The dealer must adhere to a set rule for each hand.

The only exception is when the dealer has a “soft 17” consisting of an Ace and a six. Some casinos allow the dealer to hit on this hand, as it can also be counted as a 7. This variation gives the casino a greater advantage. The rules regarding the dealer’s action on a soft 17 will be displayed on the felt.

Remember, the dealer must follow the rules set by the casino and have no flexibility in their gameplay.

8: Payouts

Once both you and the dealer finish playing your hands, one of two outcomes will occur:

If the dealer busts, they will pay each remaining hand on the table an even amount (equal to their wager).

If the dealer makes a hand between 17 and 21, a showdown will take place. If your hand is still in play, it comes down to who has the higher hand.

If the dealer wins, they take your bet. If you win, the dealer pays you an amount equal to your wager. If you and the dealer have the same hand total, it’s a “push” and you keep your money without any additional payout.

That’s all there is to it! The round ends, the cards are cleared, and you can start another round.

9: After each round, the bets are settled and a new round begins

To win the round, a player’s hand must be higher than the dealer’s, without going over 21 (unless they have busted). All winning hands are paid out at a ratio of 1 to 1, meaning if you bet 1 chip, you win 1 chip. 

However, if you have a Blackjack hand with a total of 21 points, you are usually paid out at a ratio of 3 to 2. For example, if you bet 2 chips, you would receive 3 chips as a reward, leaving you with a total of 5 chips. Once the round is over, the dealer collects the cards, shuffles them, and starts a new round.

Special Situations


Increase your chances of winning with a simple yet effective tactic – splitting. When your second card matches your first, you have the opportunity to split your hand into two separate ones.

By placing an equal number of chips for your split bet, you can enjoy an extra turn in the round. Each hand is treated individually, giving you more opportunities to beat the dealer.

But, there’s more to it. If you split two Aces, you can only hit each hand once. If either of your hands reaches a point total of 21, it may not be considered a Blackjack in terms of payout. However, it still pushes if the dealer gets a Blackjack.

Remember, any pair of cards with the same point value can be split, such as a Queen and a Jack, both worth 10 points. Keep in mind that this rule can vary by casino, so it’s always wise to confirm with your dealer before attempting this move.

Ready to take your game to the next level? Let the dealer know you’re splitting by forming a “V” shape with your pointer and middle finger and placing it on the table. Elevate your strategy and reap the rewards of splitting your hand.

Insurance/Even Money

When the dealer has an Ace as an up-card, they may offer you a side bet called insurance. This bet allows you to wager half of your original bet or less, with a payout of 2 to 1 if the dealer has a ten as their hole card. 

Essentially, you are betting on whether or not the dealer has a blackjack. However, as a basic strategy player, it is advisable to decline insurance and even money. Only experienced card counters should consider this side bet.

After all players interested in insurance have placed their bets, the dealer will check their hole card using a special viewing window. If they have a ten underneath, the dealer has a blackjack and will collect everyone’s original bets. 

However, those who purchased insurance will receive a payout of 2 to 1 on their insurance wager. If the dealer does not have a ten underneath, they will collect any insurance bets and the game will proceed as usual.

If you have a blackjack and the dealer has an Ace showing, you may be offered “even money.” Beware, this is essentially the same as insurance. By accepting even money, your blackjack will not be paid out at 3 to 2 like it normally would. 

Instead, you will receive a payout equal to your original wager, regardless of whether or not the dealer has a blackjack. If you decline even money and the dealer has a blackjack, your wager will be a push and your blackjack will not be paid out. 

However, if you decline even money and the dealer does not have a blackjack, you will receive a payout of 3 to 2 as usual.

Remember, it is best to avoid even money unless you are an experienced card counter. 

Dead Hand: 

If all players at the table exceed the limit before the dealer even gets a chance to play their hand, it is classified as a ‘dead hand’.

The dealer will then reveal their concealed card to the cameras for transparency purposes and collect the cards to be discarded. It is unnecessary to continue playing the dealer’s hand as they have already triumphed over the player(s).

Side bets

Blackjack side bets have gained popularity in the last 20 years. While insurance is the most common side bet offered, there are now many other options available on the tables. These side bets require an additional wager alongside your main bet.

They range from betting on getting a pair as your first two cards to predicting if the dealer’s cards will match yours. It’s important to note that these side bets, with their own rules and payout tables, are separate from the core Blackjack game.

We strongly advise against playing them, as casinos offer them because they have a significant advantage over players.

Master the Game: Understanding Blackjack Variations

Master the Game: Understanding Blackjack Variations

Discover the secret world of Blackjack rule variations and how they can impact your chances of winning big. Not all Blackjack games are created equal, and it’s time to level up your knowledge. Here’s an overview of the game-changing rules that can make or break your chances at the table.

Double Down with a Twist: Doubling After Splitting (DAS)

Get ready to double down on your winnings! Some casinos allow you to double down on a hand you just split. It’s called Doubling After Splitting (DAS), and it’s a game-changer for savvy players. Find out which casinos offer this advantageous rule.

Splitting Aces Like a Pro: Re-Splitting Aces (RSA)

Unleash the power of the ace! With Re-Splitting Aces (RSA), you can split your aces multiple times, boosting your chances of victory. It’s the ultimate advantage for players who know their way around the table. Learn how to maximize your ace-splitting strategy.

The Lost Art of Early Surrender

Step back into casino history and discover the long-lost rule of Early Surrender. In the golden days of the 70s, players could surrender before the dealer checked for blackjack or offered insurance. It was the ultimate advantage, but alas, it went extinct. Get the inside scoop on this rare gem of a rule.

Beware the 6 to 5 Blackjack Trap

Don’t fall into the 6 to 5 Blackjack trap! Some casinos offer a reduced 6 to 5 payout for Blackjacks, robbing players of their winnings. It’s a sneaky move that increases the house edge and renders card counting useless. Protect your wallet and know the rules before you sit down to play.

The Shuffling Machine Mystery: CSM Blackjack

Uncover the secrets of Continuous Shuffling Machines (CSM). These machines shuffle cards continuously, making card counting a thing of the past. Discover how CSM Blackjack can impact your odds and strategy.

The Battle of the Decks: Single vs Multi-deck

Choose your deck wisely! More decks mean a higher house edge, right? Not always. Learn the trade-offs and secrets of single and multi-deck Blackjack. Find out how specific rules can tip the scales in your favor, whether it’s doubling after splitting, re-splitting aces, or the coveted 3:2 Blackjack payoff.

Cracking the Code: Deck/Shoe Penetration (PEN)

Become a Blackjack mastermind with a deep understanding of Deck/Shoe Penetration (PEN). Learn the art of analyzing how many cards are dealt and when the shoe is reshuffled. Discover how Penetration can make or break your success as a card counter.

Get ready to level up your Blackjack game with these game-changing rule variations. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, understanding these nuances will give you the edge you need to beat the house. Level the playing field and unlock your true Blackjack potential.


Ultimately, learning how to play blackjack requires effort and practice. Playing and studying the game takes time to master its various rules, strategies, and nuances. With dedication, you can become a successful blackjack player in no time! 

There are thousands of online resources available that can help guide your learning process, such as practice games, eBooks, YouTube videos, and discussion forums. 

To get the most out of your blackjack playing experience, make sure to take some time each day to become more familiar with the game. 

And when you’re ready to step up to the table and test your skills, take a deep breath – who knows what surprises this fantastic card game may bring. Good luck!

Thanks for reading our article How do I Play Blackjack? If you want to know more information, visit our website here.

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