How to Play Mancala – A Step-by-Step Guide 

Looking for a fun and simple game to play with friends or family? Learn how to play Mancala quickly and easily with this step-by-step guide!

How to Play Mancala?

Are you looking to take on a new challenge and test your strategy skills? Mancala, the ancient two-player board game originating from Sub-Saharan Africa, might just be what you’re looking for! 

Unlike other traditional games like chess or checkers, this classic game can involve some nuanced tactics and varying strategies which create an exciting twist. 

Over time it has evolved around the world with many different versions being created including Kalah in America. Join us as we explore how to play Mancala – You’ll soon become a pro at capturing all the pebbles (pieces)!

What Is Mancala? 

Mancala is a game that has been played in Africa and the Middle East for centuries. The word ‘mancala’ comes from an Arabic word meaning “to move”. It’s also known as “sowing” games because players sow (scatter) seeds or stones into pits on the board, trying to capture the most pieces.  

Most mancala games have a board with two rows of pockets and two larger holes called mancalas. The objective is to strategically move your stones into your mancala to score points.

Origins of Mancala

Discover the captivating origins of Mancala, an intriguing ancient board game that has fascinated historians for centuries. While its exact invention remains a tantalizing mystery, archaeologists have traced its roots back to as early as 700 CE in East Africa. However, evidence suggests that Mancala may be even older, dating back to around 5870 BCE in Jordan.

Historians speculate that Mancala may have served various purposes throughout history, such as a means of record-keeping, a ritual for harvesting, or even a tool for divination. The game’s rich history spans ancient civilizations, with evidence of its existence found in ancient Sumeria (modern-day Iraq), Sudan along the upper Nile River, and Egypt. Remarkably, ancient Mancala game boards have been unearthed in far-reaching locations such as Zimbabwe, Uganda, and Ghana.

The captivating journey of Mancala continued as it crossed oceans and borders, eventually finding its way to the United States during the era of slavery. Enslaved Africans brought this intriguing game with them, leaving a lasting legacy that persists to this day.

Why Play Mancala With Kids?

Mancala is not just a game for adults; it’s also an excellent activity to play with children. The simple rules and quick gameplay make it ideal for all ages, making it the perfect family-friendly game. Additionally, playing Mancala with kids can help develop essential skills such as counting, strategy building, and hand-eye coordination.

Moreover, unlike most modern games, Mancala does not require any screens or technology, making it an excellent way to disconnect and have some quality time with your family. Playing Mancala can also be a great opportunity to teach children about other cultures and the history of this fascinating game.

Materials Needed

Materials Needed

To get started with Mancala, you’ll need a few simple materials:

  • A mancala board: This can be a traditional wooden board, or you can easily make one at home using an empty egg carton or muffin tin.
  • Stones, seeds, or any small objects to use as game pieces. You’ll need 48 pieces in total (24 for each player).
  • A flat surface to play on.

That’s it! With just a few simple materials, you’ll be ready to start playing Mancala in no time.

How to Set Up Mancala

Setting up a mancala board is a breeze, and anyone can do it. Let’s start by familiarizing ourselves with the different parts of the board. The small holes are called pockets, while the larger holes on each end are referred to as mancalas or stores.

You have the option to either purchase a set or make your own. For a DIY approach, you can use a dozen-egg carton as the pockets, two small cups or bowls as the mancalas, and gather 48 small beads, gems, or stones.

Once you have everything ready, the players should sit opposite each other with the board running longways between them, ensuring each person has six pockets in front of them. Also, remember that each player has a mancala on their right.

Now it’s time to distribute the beads. Simply place four beads in each of the pockets until all 48 beads have been used.

Decide who will go first. This can be done by flipping a coin or using any other method you prefer.

And there you have it! Your mancala board is all setup and ready for an exciting game. Enjoy!

How to Play Mancala

Playing the Game: The Rules

Learn how to play Mancala with these simple rules.

  1. The first player chooses one of their six pockets and removes all the stones from it.
  2. They drop one stone at a time in each consecutive pocket in a counter-clockwise direction, including their mancala if they pass it.
  3. If they have any stones remaining after passing their mancala, they continue dropping them in the other player’s pockets.
  4. However, if they pass the other player’s mancala, they do not drop a stone in their mancala.
  5. If the player ends their turn by placing their last stone in their mancala, they get another turn.
  6. If the player ends their turn by placing a stone in an empty pocket on their side, they collect that stone along with any stones in the opposite pocket belonging to the other player and put them in their mancala.
  7. The second player follows the same rules for their turn.
  8. The game ends when one player has emptied all of their pockets.

Deciding the Champion

When a player successfully empties their pockets, the remaining stones are added to their mancala by the opposing player. Subsequently, both players tally the number of stones in their possession. The individual with the highest count emerges as the ultimate victor.

Earn an Extra Turn

Get ready to level up your Mancala game with an exciting rule that can change the course of the entire match. When you confidently place the last counter in your hand into your mancala, you unlock an extra turn!

Imagine the power of being able to pick up counters from another hole and continue your winning streak. It all starts with making the right move. Take a moment to visualize the fourth hole from the right, initially filled with four counters. Strategically, drop one counter at a time anti-clockwise into the holes. But here’s the key – make sure the last counter ends up in your mancala to trigger that coveted extra turn.

Now, seize the opportunity and use your extra turn to your advantage. Grab the counters from the second hole from the right. Following your previous turn, five counters were remaining. This means placing one counter anti-clockwise, one into your mancala, and the last three into the first three holes on the opponent’s side of the board.

Mastering this opening move can give you a significant advantage in the game. As the player with the extra turn, you have the upper hand from the very beginning. But remember, your opponent will also have a chance to earn an extra turn on their subsequent move. So, stay sharp and keep your opponents on their toes as you navigate the thrilling world of Mancala strategy.


When playing the game, there is a special rule that allows you to capture counters. This happens when your last counter is placed in an empty hole on your side of the board. If there are any counters directly opposite this hole on your opponent’s side, you get to capture all of them along with your counter. These captured counters will be added to your mancala.

This move allows you to capture both your counter and any counters in the opposite hole. It’s a critical strategy in the game.

The game itself is quite simple. Just pick up counters and place them one by one in a counter-clockwise direction. If you end in your mancala, you get another turn. If you end in an empty hole on your side of the board, you capture all the counters from the opposite hole as well as your counter. Players take turns until one of them has no more counters on their side of the board.

Once you get the hang of the game, strategic thinking comes into play. It’s tempting to always deposit at least one counter in your mancala every turn. However, it’s important to pay attention to your opponent’s empty holes and whether they can end their turn there. You might also find opportunities to create combinations that give you multiple extra turns through clever placement. The game becomes quite strategic and fast-paced.

Mastering Mancala: Winning Strategies Unveiled

Mastering Mancala: Winning Strategies Unveiled

Mastering the art of Mancala may appear simple at first, but don’t be fooled by its deceptive simplicity. While learning the game is easy, conquering it and achieving victory is an entirely different challenge.

However, fear not. The more you engage in Mancala, the more you’ll uncover effective strategies that lead to success.

To dominate the game, your primary focus should always be on strategically placing stones into your mancala. This is the ultimate goal, as once the stones enter your mancala, they cannot be taken away. Therefore, prioritize moves that allow you to maximize your mancala count.

Take advantage of the following straightforward strategies to enhance your chances of winning the game of Mancala.

Unlocking Bonus Turns

Discover the secret to maximizing your chances of victory in Mancala: the art of getting a free turn. By strategically aiming to end your turn with a stone in your mancala, you can unlock an extra move and pile up even more stones.

Start strong by targeting the third pocket on the left for your first move. With four stones at your disposal, simply drop the last one into your mancala, setting the stage for a series of successful turns.

As you progress, be sure to carefully evaluate all your pockets. Look for opportunities to complete a move that ends with a stone in your mancala. Accumulating free turns is a powerful strategy that can lead you straight to triumph.

For an advanced approach, consider blocking your opponent from enjoying a free turn. This tactic works best if you are the first player. Begin by emptying the third pocket and seizing your free turn. Then, strategically choose either the pocket on the right or the second pocket from the right. By doing so, you’ll prevent your opponent from having enough stones in their third pocket from the left to trigger a free turn on their next move.

Master the art of earning free turns and deploying strategic blocks to secure your victory in Mancala.

How to Capture in Mancala

To gain control of your opponent’s stones in Mancala, mastering the art of capturing is essential. The key lies in dropping your last stone into an empty pocket on your side of the board. This not only allows you to place the stone in your mancala but also grants you the opportunity to claim any stones your opponent has in the corresponding pocket.

Capturing is a powerful maneuver in Mancala, as it enables you to amass a significant number of stones in a single turn. Before making your move, it is crucial to assess your stones and identify any opportunities to end up in one of your empty pockets. Prioritizing capturing should be your primary strategy, especially if your opponent’s pocket is full.

To maximize your chances of capturing, strategically empty your own pockets as quickly as possible. The more empty pockets you have, the greater the likelihood of seizing your opponent’s stones and securing a decisive advantage.

Unlock the secrets of capturing in Mancala and take your game to the next level.

Advanced Mancala Gameplay!

Ready to take your Mancala skills to the next level? Explore advanced strategies that will transform you into an unstoppable player!

Right Pocket Strategy

Don’t let distractions deter you from victory! Focus on emptying your right pocket and watch as your Mancala fills up with stones. By strategically placing the stones from your right pocket on your next turn, you’ll minimize the number of stones in your opponent’s pockets and gain a significant advantage.

Outsmart and Outplay Your Opponent

When putting stones in your Mancala seems impossible, don’t despair. Instead, focus on stopping your opponent from capturing your stones and filling their own Mancala. By filling their pockets on your turn, you’ll hinder their game plan and increase your chances of success.

Seize Control and Prevent Free Turns

Uncover the key to victory by preventing your opponent from gaining free turns. As they drop a stone in their Mancala to end their turn, thwart their plans by strategically placing stones in their pockets. By doing so, you’ll disrupt their rhythm and maintain control of the game.

Are you ready to elevate your Mancala game? Unleash your advanced strategies today and become an unbeatable force on the board!

Mancala Variations

While there are several variations of Mancala played around the world, here are some popular ones you can try out:

  • Oware: This is one of the oldest variations of Mancala, typically played in West Africa and the Caribbean. It is played on a board with 12 holes (6 on each side) and 48 stones, with slightly different rules than traditional Mancala.
  • Bao: This variation is popular in East Africa, especially in Tanzania and Kenya. It can be played on boards with either 32 or 64 holes, and players use different strategies to win depending on the board size.
  • Kalah: Also known as Warri in some parts of the world, this variation is commonly played in North America. The game is played on a larger board with 14 holes (7 on each side) and 72 stones. It shares some similarities with traditional Mancala, but also has its own unique rules.

Whichever variation you choose to play, the basic principles of Mancala remain the same. Keep practicing and experimenting with different strategies to find your winning formula! So go ahead, gather your friends and family, and dive into the world of Mancala – a timeless game that never fails to entertain and challenge players of all ages. 



What is the goal of Mancala?

The goal of Mancala is to collect more stones in your mancala (the large pockets at the end of each side of the board) than your opponent. The player who ends up with the most stones in their mancala wins the game.

How do I know which variation of Mancala to play?

There are many variations of Mancala, each with its own unique rules and strategies. You can try out different variations to see which one you enjoy the most or stick to the traditional game if you’re a beginner.

Can I play Mancala by myself?

While Mancala is traditionally played between two players, there are ways to adapt the game for solo play. You can compete against yourself by trying to beat your high score or using a mobile app or online platform to play against virtual opponents.

How do I become an advanced player in Mancala?

To become an advanced player in Mancala, it is important to practice regularly and experiment with different strategies. You can also watch tutorials and study games played by experienced players to learn new tactics and improve your skills. Remember, practice makes perfect! So keep playing and have fun mastering the game of Mancala. Happy gaming! 

How long does a game of Mancala last? 

The length of a game of Mancala can vary depending on the skill level of the players and their chosen variation. Your initial game may extend for approximately 3 hours while you become acquainted with the mechanics of Mancala. It can be mentally engaging, but after a few rounds, the duration typically decreases to around 2 hours as players become more familiar with the game.

Can I play Mancala with the children?

Yes, Mancala is a great game to play with children as it helps develop critical thinking and strategic skills. With its simple rules, children can easily catch on and compete against adults or their peers.

Is Mancala a skill or luck?

Behind its deceptively simple appearance lies a realm of skill, calculation, and strategic thinking. Join the ranks of ancient minds as we delve into the profound origins and captivating complexities of this timeless game.

Can I play Mancala on my phone or computer?

Yes, Mancala is available to play on mobile apps and online platforms. This allows you to practice and play against players from all over the world at any time, making it a convenient option for those who can’t always gather friends for a physical game. However, nothing beats the traditional experience of playing Mancala face-to-face with your opponent! 

What benefits does playing Mancala have?

Apart from being a fun and challenging game, Mancala has several benefits. It can improve critical thinking skills, strategic planning, and even memory as players must remember the moves made by their opponents. It also promotes social interaction and bonding, making it a great activity for friends and family to enjoy together. So what are you waiting for? Gather your loved ones and start playing Mancala today! And remember, the more you play, the better you become. Have fun! 


In this document, we have explored the basic strategies, advanced gameplay techniques, and popular variations of Mancala. By mastering the art of getting free turns and capturing stones, you can increase your chances of victory in this ancient game. And with different variations to choose from, there is always room for growth and improvement in your Mancala skills.

So keep practicing, strategizing, and outplaying your opponents. Who knows – you may just become the next Mancala champion! Happy playing! 

Thanks for reading our article How to Play Mancala. If you want to know more information, visit our website here.

Read more:

How to Play the Game Spades?

How to Play Kalaha (Mancala): 9 Simple Steps – wikiHow

Mancala – Wikipedia


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